What say TTHome if you want downloaded a TTS-Voice ? Your device and your NC are Ok for work with tts i think

XL IQ Routes Edition computer voice

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Schwan Reviewed by Schwan on . XL IQ Routes Edition computer voice Hi there, I have a TomTom XL IQ Routes Edition 340 - 2GB: 4EM0.001.01 with 64mb ram and no sd card, (It is the the non-TTS XL IQ Routes / 340 - 2GB version) so tts is dissabled ... I am running 9465 navcore and 900.4602 uk & ri maps works well but TTS is dissabled...would still like to get kate Loquendo voice working on it I have tried a few different se and dsa navcores including downunder's 9.485 with hardwired sound navcore but can not get loquendo to work on it, a bit anoying as the Rating: 5