Save this code under UNIX format (use ConTEXT or notepad++) copy the file to the root of the tomtom by naming "ttn" (no extension).
Properly disconnect the tomtom
The reboot by holding down power button stop. The ttn file erases only after you reset the memory BAT.
The track will be at the root of the tomtom file clearMTD.log
Restart the tomtom not connected (press ++ 20s on button -> sound of tamtam)
it should then start the reboot alone and reapply the settings until the time
and it blocks not what is earned.

#! /bin/sh
# reformate et restaure flash MTD bloquee en lecture seule
# copier à la racine de la carte SD sous "ttn"

mount_flash() {
# reinitialise flash ( extrait de /etc/rc )


echo "WARNING: ${flashdir} seems to be corrupt, reinitializing..."
if ! umount ${flashdir}; then
echo "WARNING: Unmounting ${flashdir} failed!"
return 1

if ! flash_erase /dev/${flash_dev} 0x40000 0x40000; then
echo "WARNING: Erasing ${flashdir} failed!"
return 1

if ! mount -n -t ngffs ${flash_dev} ${flashdir}; then
echo "WARNING: Mounting ${flash_dev} on ${flashdir} failed again!"
return 1

echo "Successfully reinitalized ${flashdir}."
return 0

# **************************** main *******************************
touch /mnt/sdcard/usecmdlog.dat

Reboot Problem?

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echo "# clearMTD ..." > /mnt/sdcard/clearMTD.log

# reinitialise flash et recopie contenu
echo -e "\n# mount_flash" >> /mnt/sdcard/clearMTD.log

if mount_flash /mnt/flash mtd0 rw,sync,noatime,nosuid,nodev ; then

echo -e "\n# umount /mnt/flash" >> /mnt/sdcard/clearMTD.log
umount /mnt/flash

rm -f /mnt/sdcard/usecmdlog.dat

rm -f /mnt/sdcard/ttn

echo -e "\n# clearMTD --> reboot" >> /mnt/sdcard/clearMTD.log

FENRIZ Reviewed by FENRIZ on . Reboot Problem? TROUBLE REBOOTING? Here are some basic things to try if a hard reset (hold reset for 20s) and the clear flash tool won't work: 1. Fail to reboot after a map update or changes to map POI files. It is sometimes caused by the file "mapsettings.cfg" in your map folder. To get a correct version of this file without loosing your favorites connect your Tomtom to Tomtom Home and use "operate my Go" to manually add a favorite - you can choose any address you like. Exit and restart your Rating: 5