I read somewhere that a lot of the speed cameras in the UK have been switched off due to budget cuts, so TomTom have now modified their databases accordingly so the files are smaller.

Anyone else noticed that  the latest Premium speed camera alerts do not show most of the active detection  hot spots

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I don't know if that's true but it makes sense.
fredderf Reviewed by fredderf on . Anyone else noticed that the latest Premium speed camera alerts do not show most of the active detection hot spots Hi TomTom Go 730 TRUCK MAP ,935, NAv 9.7 >Speed camera dct created in in map folder, TomTom services, warning preferences all have sound attached , Also tested on tt one xl 935 Uk & ROI with same results I have spent all day on trying to get the 2x tt to detect hot spots on 3 different known roads with active camera vans on them with the newer updates with no luck. tested with latest FA and Easy tools,EasyActivator6.15 The results i keep getting are the same Prior to Rating: 5