The temporary solution is Quick_Meta_Update.exe, it will put the meta.txt in your download folder after which you can move it to the right place.

I must be doing something wrong but cannot work out what my error is.

I downloaded the latest meta.txt file file using Quick_Meta_Update.exe and copied it to the root of the SD Card on my TomTom One XL. (There is also an integrated_meta.txt file there).

I then ran FastActivate (as adminsitrator in Win7) but it still reports the old integrated text file date. I ignored this and went ahead and tried to patch the new Europe_1050-10176 map which I'd also copied to the SD Card. However, FastActivate reports a dct error despite there being a working meta available for this map - I also checked that the meta.txt file contains this meta and it does.

What am I doing wrong?