I certainly agree with you that if you are going to drive with a blindfold and you only listen to your navigator, you are certainly doing something wrong.

Sat-Nav driving safety

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While I had no problem with driving in England, it happened to me when I drove back from a parking lot, I had a very short tendency to drive on the left side, just because I was abroad, Florida indeed, but that was far before we had a navigator and visited England several times short before.
pe1agp Reviewed by pe1agp on . Sat-Nav driving safety Some of you may have seen or read about the tragic fatalities in Florida over Easter. Just a reminder that even if the sat-nav says make a U-turn, always look with your own eyes to see if it is safe to do so, especially overseas where traffic is reversed. Twilight is always difficult. These are amazing devices but the driver needs to pay attention. Take care. Rating: 5