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New Color Schemes

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    poshea's Avatar

    Default New Color Schemes

    I've made a couple of new color schemes I thought I'd share. One is based on the current colors used by Google Maps Night theme, the other is a daytime option largely based on Australia scheme with a few improvements/tweaks.

    Here is the code I used for each:
    204,255,204 // background
    221,221,221 // built-up area (city)
    000,153,255 // water solid
    140,215,140 // park
    090,175,090 // woodland
    231,232,172 // beach/dune/sand
    255,255,204 // industrial zone
    187,187,187 // harbor/marina
    170,204,170 // moor/heath
    204,221,119 // marsh
    190,206,243 // pedestrian zone
    150,150,150 // airport
    128,128,128 // runway
    000,021,083 // route background ('below' the road)
    051,102,255 // route foreground (on top of the road)
    255,000,000 // blocked road (dotted on top of any road)
    255,000,000 // traffic jam (dotted on top of any road)
    187,187,187 // highlighted / selected (line on top of any road)
    190,206,243 // unreachable / not allowed to drive (dotted on top of any road)
    255,207,111 // motorway solid
    136,136,136 // motorway edge
    255,207,111 // motorway inside
    255,255,255 // motorway text
    255,207,111 // major/international road solid
    136,136,136 // major/international road edge
    255,207,111 // international road inside
    255,243,159 // major road inside
    255,255,255 // major road text
    255,255,153 // secondary road small
    255,204,102 // secondary road solid
    136,136,136 // secondary road edge
    255,243,159 // secondary road inside
    255,255,255 // secondary road text
    221,221,221 // connecting road small
    255,255,204 // connecting road solid
    136,136,136 // connecting road edge
    255,255,204 // connecting road inside
    255,255,255 // connecting road text
    183,183,183 // (major)local road small
    255,255,255 // major local road solid
    255,255,255 // local road solid
    136,136,136 // local/destination road edge
    255,255,255 // local/destination road inside
    255,255,255 // local road text
    255,255,255 // destination road solid
    255,255,255 // destination road text
    000,153,255 // ferry background
    179,207,255 // ferry dots
    000,000,136 // ferry text
    170,170,170 // railroad dashed A
    000,000,000 // railroad dashed B
    102,102,255 // water edge outlines NOT USED
    000,000,000 // borders (dot-dash)
    000,000,000 // arrows (road direction)
    255,255,255 // arrows border (road direction)
    255,255,255 // Route indication arrow color, normal
    255,255,255 // Route indication arrow color, highlighted
    136,136,136 // Tollroad edge color
    255,207,111 // Tollroad inside color
    000,080,000 // NavView: status/safeview panel background (default:dark blue)
    032,128,032 // NavView: status/safeview panel borders (default:blue)
    255,255,255 // NavView: status/safeview panel text (default:white)
    132,198,049 // NavView: status/safeview panel dim text (default:lightblue)
    000,080,000 // NavView: next highway background
    032,128,032 // NavView: next highway border
    255,255,255 // NavView: next highway text
    000,128,000 // NavView: next highway EXIT background
    255,255,255 // NavView: next highway EXIT border
    255,255,255 // NavView: next highway EXIT text
    051,102,255 // NavView: routeplanning progressbar color
    255,102,000 // Distant route color

    036,047,062 // background
    052,055,060 // built-up area (city)
    023,038,060 // water solid
    038,060,063 // park
    038,060,063 // woodland
    066,068,070 // beach/dune/sand
    041,044,048 // industrial zone
    041,044,048 // harbor/marina
    041,044,048 // moor/heath
    066,068,070 // marsh
    056,065,078 // pedestrian zone
    036,047,062 // airport
    031,040,053 // runway
    000,021,083 // route background ('below' the road)
    051,102,255 // route foreground (on top of the road)
    130,000,000 // blocked road (dotted on top of any road)
    130,000,000 // traffic jam (dotted on top of any road)
    043,049,057 // highlighted / selected (line on top of any road)
    023,038,060 // unreachable / not allowed to drive (dotted on top of any road)
    160,123,080 // motorway solid
    056,065,078 // motorway edge
    160,123,080 // motorway inside
    222,212,201 // motorway text
    112,104,091 // major/international road solid
    043,049,057 // major/international road edge
    112,104,091 // international road inside
    112,104,091 // major road inside
    222,212,201 // major road text
    112,104,091 // secondary road small
    112,104,091 // secondary road solid
    043,049,057 // secondary road edge
    112,104,091 // secondary road inside
    222,212,201 // secondary road text
    081,078,072 // connecting road small
    081,078,072 // connecting road solid
    043,049,057 // connecting road edge
    081,078,072 // connecting road inside
    171,179,192 // connecting road text
    056,065,078 // (major)local road small
    056,065,078 // major local road solid
    056,065,078 // local road solid
    043,049,057 // local/destination road edge
    056,065,078 // local/destination road inside
    171,179,192 // local road text
    056,065,078 // destination road solid
    171,179,192 // destination road text
    023,038,060 // ferry background
    035,057,090 // ferry dots
    255,255,255 // ferry text
    023,038,060 // railroad dashed A
    014,023,037 // railroad dashed B
    015,026,040 // water edge outlines NOT USED
    023,038,060 // borders (dot-dash)
    023,038,060 // arrows (road direction)
    000,000,000 // arrows border (road direction)
    125,158,255 // Route indication arrow color, normal
    255,255,255 // Route indication arrow color, highlighted
    043,049,057 // Tollroad edge color
    112,104,091 // Tollroad inside color
    036,047,062 // NavView: status/safeview panel background (default:dark blue)
    036,047,062 // NavView: status/safeview panel borders (default:blue)
    222,212,201 // NavView: status/safeview panel text (default:white)
    171,179,192 // NavView: status/safeview panel dim text (default:lightblue)
    000,080,000 // NavView: next highway background
    032,128,032 // NavView: next highway border
    255,255,255 // NavView: next highway text
    000,128,000 // NavView: next highway EXIT background
    255,255,255 // NavView: next highway EXIT border
    255,255,255 // NavView: next highway EXIT text
    000,164,000 // NavView: routeplanning progressbar color
    051,102,255 // Distant route color

    I noticed the orginal Australia scheme had some addittional code - but it did not appear to make any difference- so I have excluded it for now (Maybe only applies to newer navcores?):
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeBuilding // Additional face types
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeSuburbs
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeCompanyGround
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeFreeport
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeAmusementParkGround
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeCampingSiteGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeCastleGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeChurchGround
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeGolfCourseGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeGovernmentBuildingGround
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeHolidayAreaGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeHospitalGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeHotelMotelGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeLibraryGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeMuseumGround
    090,175,090 // EFaceTypeNatureReserveGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeParkingAreaGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypePetrolStationGround
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypePlaceOfInterestBuilding
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeMonumentGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeRailwayStationGround

    New Color Schemes

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    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeRecreationalAreaGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeRestaurantGround
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeRestAreaGround
    168,168,168 // EFaceTypeRocksGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeSportsHallGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeStadiumGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeUniversityCollegeGround
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeWalkingTerrainGround
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeZooGround
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeInstitution
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeOtherLanduse
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeCemeteryGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeMilitaryTerritory
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeShoppingCenterGround
    192,226,152 // EFaceTypeAgriculture // Corine face types
    200,226,152 // EFaceTypeVineyards
    200,226,152 // EFaceTypeFruitTrees
    200,226,152 // EFaceTypeOliveGroves
    152,226,152 // EFaceTypePastures
    178,204,100 // EFaceTypeBroadleavedForest
    090,175,090 // EFaceTypeConiferousForest
    153,204,153 // EFaceTypeMixedForest
    178,204,153 // EFaceTypeScrub
    168,168,168 // EFaceTypeRocks
    200,200,200 // EFaceTypeGlaciersSnow
    168,168,200 // EFaceTypeIntertidalFlats
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockCityBlock // City map face types
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockSandArea
    153,255,204 // EFaceTypeTownblockMarsh
    090,175,090 // EFaceTypeTownblockForest
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeTownblockGrass
    140,215,140 // EFaceTypeTownblockPlantedArea
    168,168,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockWaterSystem
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockBankArea
    168,168,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockSwimmingPool
    255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockHighWay
    255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockNationalRoute
    255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockPrincipalRoad
    255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockOtherRoad
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockWalkWay
    255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockGardenPath
    255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockTunnel
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockMediumStrip
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockHospital
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockSchool
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockFactory
    100,100,150 // EFaceTypeTownblockDam
    255,255,204 // EFaceTypeTownblockRailwayGround
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockPavedArea ADJUSTED 25 July 2008
    221,221,221 // EFaceTypeTownblockIncompleteArea
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeRailRoadStation
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeHospital
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeSchool
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeFactory
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypePlaceOfWorship
    195,195,195 // EFaceTypeCulturalFacility
    255,112,077 // kAvalonColour_DestinationLocation
    248,120,000 // kAvalonColour_PreviewLocation
    248,224,080 // kAvalonColour_HomeLocation
    248,152,064 // kAvalonColour_FavouriteLocation
    095,202,214 // kAvalonColour_BuddyLocation
    000,255,000 // kAvalonColor_RouteStartFlagColor
    254,223,035 // kAvalonColor_RouteViaFlagColor
    000,000,000 // kAvalonColor_DestinationFlagColor
    255,255,255 // kAvalonColor_StreetNameBackground
    000,000,000 // kAvalonColor_StreetNameText
    128,000,000 // kAvalonColor_Unused1
    128,000,128 // kAvalonColor_Unused2
    000,028,166 // ERouteAlternative
    127,255,255 // EGpsArrow
    poshea Reviewed by poshea on . New Color Schemes I've made a couple of new color schemes I thought I'd share. One is based on the current colors used by Google Maps Night theme, the other is a daytime option largely based on Australia scheme with a few improvements/tweaks. Here is the code I used for each: AustraliaCustom 204,255,204 // background 221,221,221 // built-up area (city) Rating: 5

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    biggerdave (31st May 2016), oxili (1st June 2016), Peddersgolf (9th June 2016)

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    New Color Schemes
    poshea's Avatar
    I wonder if anyone has a definitive list of variables that can be configured via the color scheme file. For example, I've noticed that tunnels are colored a deep brown by default. I would prefer to make a dark grey - is there a color scheme code for tunnels?

    EDIT: On closer inspection, the Tunnels are simply a 50% darker color of whatever the set color of that road is. Both fill color and outline are darkened by about 50%

  5. The Following 1 Users Say Thank You to poshea For This Useful Post:
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    the Maverick (9th June 2016)

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