I suggest to use the latest b17 version from joghurts site.
You will need to configure height.cfg for your device.
On XL IQroute with navcore v8.545, I'm using this data in Height.cfg :

# Configuration file for >>Height<< by Joghurt
# See
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# Height only works on TomTom PNAs, not on cellphones, PDAs etc.
xp=4 # x-position in real pixels: between 0 and about 300-400
yp=140 # y-position in real pixels: between 0 and about 220-250
he=-45.0 # geoidal separation: value will be added to height, in meter or feet
mo=m # mode: "m"eter or "f"eet
cd=2476 # screen identifier for when to display height, day colors
cn=4557 # screen identifier for when to display height, night colors
fs=3 # font size: value between "0" (small) and "5" (BIG).
fc=0 # font color: "1" = black, "2" = white, "0" = day/night-automatic
al=l # alignment: "l"eft, "c"enter, "r"ight
bm=t # background modes: "t"ransparent, color "1", color "2",

Altimeter for XL IQ Routes Edition

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# "a"utomatic day/night, "c"olor stamp
ds=f # Show screen identifiers on all screens, for debugging ("t"rue or "f"alse)

If you are using a v9 navcore version, you may want to change yp=140 to yp=90 to not have the altitude overlapping the Quick menu if you are using it.

Also, depending on your location, you will have to adjust the geoidal separation (he=xxxx)
You can calculate this value using the
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manifold Reviewed by manifold on . Altimeter for XL IQ Routes Edition Can anyone help with a working altimeter file for the Tomtom XL IQ Routes Edition please? Rating: 5