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13th March 2018, 11:40 PM #1
GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v17.3.21 [Unlocked]
GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v17.3.21 [Unlocked]
Requirements: 4.0.3+
Fixes for monetization windows and GP inapps.
1. Uninstall the previous version and delete the folder Sygic if exist.
1a. For Android < 4.4+ Unzip and copy Sygic folder (basefolder archive) to the root folder (internal storage or SD card)
1b. For Android > 4.4+ Unzip and copy "Android","Maps","Res" from Sygic folder (basefolder archive) to Android/data/com.sygic.aura/files/put here Android,Maps,Res (internal storage or SD card (create, if not exists)
2. Use MapDownloader to download your region country.
3a. For Android < 4.4+ Copy your downloaded maps to folder SDCard/Sygic/Maps/~put maps here~
3b. For Android > 4.4+ Copy your downloaded maps to folder Android/data/com.sygic.aura/files/Maps/~put maps here~
4. Install Patched apk.
5. Start app, skip email and Enjoy!
Patched APK: - (resources in APK)
- s***c store is NOT BLOCKED, but it downloads valid license file - useful for TA,OS maps only
- tripadvisor, foursquare, booking, viator is WORKING
Patched APK + blocked data/reactivation: - (resources in APK)
- s***c store is BLOCKED, use original APK (or SDLER's downloader) to download MAPS,VOICES,TTS, then install this APK - no more return to trial state - useful for NT or TA or OS maps
Base Folder (13.03.2018) + ALL VOICES + NT,TA,OS licenses + SPEEDCAMS:
Original APK:
- use to download MAPS,VOICES,TTS
MAPS Downloader:
TMPe Console downloader (database_2018.02.12) thanks to TMPe
- New: TA 2017.09, NT 2017.09/06/03, TA 2017.12 V9, OS 2017.01 maps
- Updated: NT 2017.06 USA - Virgin Islands
- New TA 2017.06 maps are splitted: AUS, IND, FRA, GER, ITA, RUS, ESP, GBR, CAN, MEX, BRA (Sygic 17.3.2 and higher can read splitted maps...)
-NT 2017.06 maps: missing 4 FULLTEXTSEARCH files (currently not available on s*g*c servers...): rus.fts, tur.fts, ukr.fts, vat.fts
-NT 2017.06 maps: missing map of USA - Virgin Islands NT 2017.06 (currently not available on s*g*c servers...) - available NT 2017.03 version
Credit TMPe
Thanks Balatannyky Reviewed by nyky on . GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v17.3.21 [Unlocked] GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v17.3.21 [Unlocked] Requirements: 4.0.3+ WHAT'S NEW v17.3.21 Fixes for monetization windows and GP inapps. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Uninstall the previous version and delete the folder Sygic if exist. Rating: 5Do not ask my password, use my virtual name
World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB
Congratulations, and it was not me who came up...