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TomTom XXL classic without a map

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I have tried to update the device, but I get an error at the end of the download to the device. The sourcefile (map) should be corrupt. But when i download the map to my computer there is no problem.

When i use TTactivator 1.20 there is a tab missing with the tittle "NAV 3 Tools" The screenshots in the help is from version 1.14....
So i am confused.

When i list the device i see the original map "Western Europe" with 2 file in it, temp.tlv and Western_Europe-858.meta.dct.
Also there is a new map "Western_Europe_1_1125_12198_tmp_ " In this map there are a number of files whitch i think are not unpackt.

I would like to delete this map as i think that these files have to be removed before a new installation coud be possible, but my file manager gives the message "File not found".

What can be done, Can you help me? I begin to get desperate.

I have been very busy last weeks, so please forgive me for a late responce...

Kind regards, PietjePuk025
Pietjepuk025 Reviewed by Pietjepuk025 on . TomTom XXL classic without a map Tomtom xxl Classic AK5Y**** GXA Navigator 9.541 Versie = Western_Europe 920 not working anymore.... Can anyone help me to get this device working again? Stupidly i didn't make a backup, so i cannot recall the previous map. I don't know whitch map will work on this device and how i will be able to make it work.... so please help me Rating: 5