1. Delete the second line of the post and do not publish the unique ID you provided in the second line. You can give them to someone via PM if you can't figure it out yourself based on the answers provided.
2. You have a device with 4GB memory and no SD card slot. You can't fit all of Europe, but you can fit 3/4 of Europe. You can select the area yourself using, for example, the "Coverages..." Poteo_Roke file.
3. since you provided data from the system, I understand that the problem concerns only the map. However, the system itself works properly. The Navcore you provided is the latest, so you do not need to update it.
4. You did not write whether patched maps were already installed on this device or only the original one. If the patched map is being installed for the first time, you must first patch the system. I will probably be criticized, but I do it the same way I did 15 years ago, with the yDGPatch program available on the Internet. You install it on your computer, run it, point to the "ttsystem" file and click "GO". Some versions of navkore also have a PNDNavigator file, but you don't have it.

In a moment I will write how to patch a map in a way that will also be criticized