Hé NyKy,

Thank you for your updates!!

Could you please upload some new data! Did I miss fixed Speedcams ( just a pole with a speedcam ) on your last post? I saw trafficlight-cams, mobile-cams, but no just-a-'pole'-cams.

I still use the "..POI base.." cam files, because my TomTom tells my what kind of speedcam I am approaching. This depends on the name of the file ( *.ov2 ) the speedcam is in.

Example: After renaming "NL Blitzer fest 70kmh.ov2" to "Flits_70.ov2", my TomTom can say's "Flits 70".

So when approaching a speedscam, I don't need to look at my TomTom what kind of speedscam i'm approaching, I can hear it.
