I have just go an used GO 750. Would I be able somehow to activate the LIVE SERVICES? Is someone willing to share working LIVE data (that I will use only for myself).

How to clone LIVE services

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tomtom00 Reviewed by tomtom00 on . How to clone LIVE services Cloning/copying paid for/subscribed Live Services from one x40 or x50 Live device (with a valid subscription) to another x40 or x50 Live device (without a valid subscription) After doing a FULL WINDOWS back-up:- 1. Patch the current navcore (using whichever tool you prefer) for the non-subscribed device. 2. Create/add a new serialnumber.txt file to the root with the DeviceSerialNumber from your ttgo.bif file (like "W12345K12345") taken from the device which does have a current Rating: 5