my gps model is tomtom go 6200 i tried all what exist in pinout photos but i think the problem is motherboard from manufacturer because i tried the same patch on many tomtom 6200 and work fine

Patch MSTMS-Nav5-Navcore 22.100 (rev1)

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omar droug Reviewed by omar droug on . Patch MSTMS-Nav5-Navcore 22.100 (rev1) Tips that can help, in terminal write chmod +x thus ensuring that these archives are executable. Then in terminal write the as below according to the task you want to do. install patch; ./ remove patch; ./ This patch also contains remove_patch_nav5 file; it is to uninstall the patch (ANY previous Nav5 version that has been installed) for the reason that is, connect MDC or any other reason, it is used just as to install Rating: 5