Hello. I have a tomtom Start 60 that the software has failed, it does not start, it does not turn on, fortunately I had a backup copy. The GPS is not recognized by the computer.
Using the Nav4Free tool I have put the backup in the Executions / fullbackup folder, then I have inserted an SD directly from the computer, pressing option 2 (create device full backup) / then option 2 (full device restore) / and then option 1 (Executions full backup...), and the backup copy has been placed on the SD.
When it has finished, I put the SD in the GPS and it starts and works normally.
My question is how can I restore the copy to the internal memory?

TomTom Start 60 dead

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A little help please.
ajremon Reviewed by ajremon on . TomTom Start 60 dead Hello. I have a tomtom Start 60 that the software has failed, it does not start, it does not turn on, fortunately I had a backup copy. The GPS is not recognized by the computer. Using the Nav4Free tool I have put the backup in the Executions / fullbackup folder, then I have inserted an SD directly from the computer, pressing option 2 (create device full backup) / then option 2 (full device restore) / and then option 1 (Executions full backup...), and the backup copy has been placed on the SD. Rating: 5