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Tomtom Carminat 8.843 - 0 satellites

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Cograts! 8.xxx Carminat - never has problem with patching. The only probs - can't use "hi-end" maps... Only "basically for Carminat" and "for weaker" devices. But perhaps - not much prob?
rusigor Reviewed by rusigor on . Tomtom Carminat 8.843 - 0 satellites Somebody please help with this "0 SATELLITES " problem. I tried everything with original cab 8.843, with preprepared versions 8.843, with update from TT Home etc. Always same issue. Carminat starts, everything is fine but cannot find any satellite. Always stays at 0 Satellites no matter that it shows the correct map (with patched navcore 8.843 latest version). I can see that people are satisfied with this version and it solves the WNRO issue. Sadly not in my case. What I've tried so far (from Rating: 5