A new threat to older Nav2 devices such as my trusty TT One 4N01 Ver6 GPS facing 6 April has rollover issues. Punching in the serial number reveals time and time to destination will cease. Surely a patch for 8.010 or gps patch can be developed. If TT are too enfeebled, maybe a board member might. It has the latest maps, and was perfectly upgradable. TT did it for France speedcams oops black spots.

No more maps being sold for SOME of the older NAV2 (& NAV3) devices!

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What I did notice was the USB1 or memory was having some errors, and I persisted with smaller copies, and leaving failed files occupying bad memory spots after a rename. One all files copied - good as new. So TT needs to add a memory test in the future.

I would be ashamed of my company for being seen to loose its technical edge. Australia now has main road overhead cameras looking down to snap and fine driver holding their phone /GoogleMaps. So GPS may make a minor comeback. Also down under 'Lifetime' maps has been queried by our consumer affairs regulatiors.
ethernet Reviewed by ethernet on . No more maps being sold for SOME of the older NAV2 (& NAV3) devices! Just seen (& checked for myself) from the TTusers forum:- Exactly WHAT does "This device has failed End Of Life Check!!" (and "Add to cart" is blocked) mean in the TT mapshop etc? Seems you cannot buy maps for these good & reliable devices any more! True or not? 1. Have TT really stopped selling new maps etc for NAV2 devices WITHOUT AN ANNOUNCEMENT ANYWHERE? 2. Surely they wouldn't be THAT inefficient or indifferent to their customers to simply just STOP all support, or would they? 3. Rating: 5