Due to a HDD dying I have lost all my old TomTom bits and pieces and am still looking for:

DeltaFox TomTom 1.4 Universal U.K apk and the little software he wrote which both activated and showed all country activation codes. Not sure what it was called.

Looking for TomTom 1.4 Universal .apk

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Any help greatly appreciated as all old links are now dead.
imlost Reviewed by imlost on . Looking for TomTom 1.4 Universal .apk Due to a HDD dying I have lost all my old TomTom bits and pieces and am still looking for: DeltaFox TomTom 1.4 Universal U.K apk and the little software he wrote which both activated and showed all country activation codes. Not sure what it was called. Any help greatly appreciated as all old links are now dead. Rating: 5