Hello I have the Garmin robot voice file I've been trying to unlock it because it won't work on my GPS otherwise but I do not know what the product ID or the family ID is if someone could help me I would greatly appreciate it thanks so much
Froggy55 Reviewed by Froggy55 on . Premium Garmin Voices (Cartman, Stewie, XXX, Borat, Governator, etc.) Garmin Voices: Cartman, Stewie, XXX, Borat, Governator, etc. Editing vpm's is easy. There's two user friendly programs for that purpose: Voice Editor v0.8 and Turboccc's NonTTS Voice Editor. English and Spanish Tutorial for Voice Editor, also with Borat's voice as example: http://rapidshare.com/files/213963940/Borat.rar http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ORSKD1R3 Rating: 5