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The behavior you describe is typical of those cases in which the conditions necessary to make this "opearation" are not clear.
These Unlocking programs are often victims of Antivirus/Antimalware.
The tools of the so-called "Security" of Windows 10 are, and I say this with almost certainty, the worst that is available on the market.
They act according to a principle that can be defined as "silly" and "elementary": "everything that does not come from, or almost from Microsoft is considered a threat".
Often it is not enough to allow the launch of UnlockMapsource.exe, but specific "exclusions" must be inserted.
I do not know your "computer" skills, but I can assure you that in most cases these problems are bypassed with a minimum of practicality.

City Navigator North America NT 2021.20

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I can also assure you that the .gmap folder you mentioned is fully functional

PS: Obviously my considerations are not meant to be offensive to anyone
FireFox58 Reviewed by FireFox58 on . City Navigator North America NT 2021.20 City Navigator N.America NT 2021.20 FID 8626 https://i.imgur.com/Q5wjGAZ.jpg Unlocked Mapsource/Gmap folder City_Navigator_North_America_NT_2021_20.gmap.part01.rar (https://www49.zippyshare.com/v/vASe4QYQ/file.html) City_Navigator_North_America_NT_2021_20.gmap.part02.rar (https://www99.zippyshare.com/v/3m1kLwQQ/file.html) City_Navigator_North_America_NT_2021_20.gmap.part03.rar (https://www55.zippyshare.com/v/oQskQPKj/file.html) Rating: 5