maybe try to restore software by micro SD , have you a backup ? have you the garmindevice.xml file or must ask for someone here about the software for Navigator V

BMW Motorrad Navigator VI

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spoon1 Reviewed by spoon1 on . BMW Motorrad Navigator VI Hello, i have a problem with this navi, "system software missing" Any suggestions? All the best HWID 2584 I've tried it so far: 1. Computer - not detected! 1. Garmin Express - not detected! 2. WebUpdater - detected! but error show's up - "the update file is corrupted" 3. Tried to use old versions 5.20, but it doesn't helps too. 4. I also tried to update by Updater.exe and RGN file in preboot mode, but device stalled on step "Loader" and Updater.exe show's me error: Rating: 5