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Turning off screen in 66i

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I got a Montana 700i and a 66i...

The Montana 700i power button can be customized. I have it screen off on 2 presses. The 66i has no screen off button and I can't disable it. Sometimes I look at the map for 5 seconds then want to turn it off. Seems like I can only set a timer...

How on earth I manually turn screen off?


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razorseal Reviewed by razorseal on . Turning off screen in 66i Hey everyone. I got a Montana 700i and a 66i... The Montana 700i power button can be customized. I have it screen off on 2 presses. The 66i has no screen off button and I can't disable it. Sometimes I look at the map for 5 seconds then want to turn it off. Seems like I can only set a timer... How on earth I manually turn screen off? Thanks Rating: 5