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20th April 2018, 11:36 PM #1
France-attention,private radar cars
The first private cars equipped with radars will start Monday 23/04/18, in the Eure to be able to flash the motorists in speeding, a device which will be extended to all the metropolitan France by 2020, announced Friday the Road safety.
"The system will start running Monday on the roads of the Eure with five vehicles that will begin to flash," said Emmanuel Barbe, Interministerial Delegate for Road Safety at a press conference at the Prefecture in Evreux.It will be progressively extended to Normandy with 26 vehicles. The objective is that these vehicles are "operational in the summer," said the interministerial delegation, interviewed by an AFP correspondent.
From 2019 until 2020, the device will be deployed throughout metropolitan France, with "the objective of having 383 operational vehicles", according to the same source. Currently assigned to gendarmes and police, these cars will gradually be transferred to the private, even if they will remain state property.
The idea is "to increase the ability to flash," said Barbe. The goal assigned to private companies will be indeed 08H00 per day, every day, including holidays and night, while the daily use time of these vehicles is now 1:30, according to the delegation.But there will be "no retribution to the number of flashes," assured Mr. Barbe. "We pay the company only to drive on the routes planned by the state.The remuneration is based solely on the number of kilometers to be covered in a given month," said Mr. Barbe.
The Normandy market was awarded to the company Mobiom selected among 21 offers to drive radar cars in the region. It is a subsidiary of the company Challancin (cleanliness, safety, personal services) which has a turnover of 182 million euros in 2017 and 7,000 employees.
nyky Reviewed by nyky on . France-attention,private radar cars The first private cars equipped with radars will start Monday 23/04/18, in the Eure to be able to flash the motorists in speeding, a device which will be extended to all the metropolitan France by 2020, announced Friday the Road safety. "The system will start running Monday on the roads of the Eure with five vehicles that will begin to flash," said Emmanuel Barbe, Interministerial Delegate for Road Safety at a press conference at the Prefecture in Evreux.It will be progressively extended to Rating: 5Do not ask my password, use my virtual name
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biggerdave (21st April 2018), jpgblue (21st April 2018), vista00 (21st April 2018)
21st April 2018, 12:55 AM #2
Talk about penalising motorists for profit! George Orwell, 1984, Big Brother etc! That really is going to encourage more foreigners to visit (& drive in) France to spend their money...not!
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21st April 2018, 02:55 AM #3
And it's not over!!!
Read in Auto plus magazine
Already 165 decoy zones... The trap? More and more interminable.
Two years ago, decoy zones began to proliferate throughout France with the aim of "securing" the accident axes.
Secure? Translation: give the motorist the feeling that he or she may come across one or more radars on the route in question, because of the presence of a fixed cabin, an autonomous radar (regularly moved) and/or a mobile control... or even no radar, who knows! It is this permanent uncertainty that should definitely encourage the driver to stop slowing down as a radar approaches and accelerate better afterwards.
But to further accentuate the effect, Road Safety has had a new idea whose consequences are beginning to be seen in the most recent decoy areas.
And there, the fixed radars are no longer indicated by a sign placed just upstream. Instead, we are entitled to a multitude of panels planted at regular intervals, usually after each major intersection.
Special features: they no longer indicate the speed limit, and on each of them there is a sign indicating the number of kilometres remaining until the end of the zone.
So, with every booster shot, it's a lottery: radar or no radar! When the area stretches over 50 km, sometimes even double or triple, what stress even for the most honest citizen always anxious at the thought of missing a speed limit sign...
And we have not finished crossing some: the announced objective is of 1 000 decoy zones by the end of 2020, punctuated (among others) by 5000 potential sites of autonomous radars... Fortunately, the danger warners always report them as accurately as they do.
They've gone mad, these decision-makers!
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biggerdave (21st April 2018)
21st April 2018, 08:30 PM #4
et vive la france
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biggerdave (21st April 2018)
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