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World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB

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    World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB

    Default World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB

    Updated 04-06-2024

    World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB

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    nyky Reviewed by nyky on . World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB Updated 04-06-2024 4930 4931 Rating: 5
    Last edited by nyky; 5th June 2024 at 12:32 AM.
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    World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB
    Super! Thanks! I always use your traffic signs (speedcams) . Hi!

  5. The Following 1 Users Say Thank You to tz5123 For This Useful Post:
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    hamzayilmaz (24th June 2024)

    HI everyone! Everything is fine now.
    Last edited by tz5123; 5th December 2023 at 06:34 PM.

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to tz5123 For This Useful Post:
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    Gelu1234 (16th August 2023), hamzayilmaz (24th June 2024)

    iGo Mod
    nyky's Avatar
    World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB
    Attention, please.

    Don't bring all your hate from other forums into this one.
    Starting from this day, the SCDB database will be published in this discussion, once every 2 weeks.
    It's a discussion forum, we don't train for "champions". Please, let's be serious, the database does not change daily or weekly, although it is already full of errors.

    I do not accept other comments, all will be deleted.
    Do not ask my password, use my virtual name

  9. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to nyky For This Useful Post:
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    Andrey Form (18th November 2022), Gelu1234 (16th August 2023), hamzayilmaz (24th June 2024), imzeg (27th March 2024), ovidiu1234 (2nd June 2024), Perica (4th May 2023), Raupe Nimmersatt (7th June 2024), Sunnyside Navi (18th November 2022), tz5123 (18th November 2022)

    iGo Mod
    nyky's Avatar
    World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB
    You force me to answer you, although I promised in writing that all comments will be deleted.

    I didn't understand anything you wrote, especially when
    the main source provides us with exactly the opposite of what you want.
    I do not understand the processing of all the data for the transition to two zones Wold and Europe

    The discussion is closed here and I don't want your answer.
    Do not ask my password, use my virtual name

  11. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to nyky For This Useful Post:
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    califa (22nd December 2023), deirosjuan (2nd July 2024), harry150 (25th July 2024), kenad (6th September 2024), mehmetali (21st July 2024), nbvcxy (15th August 2024), ovidiu1234 (2nd June 2024), Sunnyside Navi (19th November 2022)

    Andrey Form's Avatar
    Perhaps the file from the SCDB base transferred to the card will show how in the file Eastern Europe no three countries, Latvia, Belarus and Moldova, cameras these countries (Latvia, Belarus and Moldova) there is in the file of Europe (Europe.txt).

    Let's look at the real situation, the driver uses in his trip from Vilnius to Talin taken file Eastern Europe.

    All within the scope of the forum - It's a discussion forum - I'm trying to discuss this issue

    I have the opportunity to fix the files taken when exporting the database SCDB. And get modified files where
    Only the registered members can see the QUOTE Contents. Please Login OR Register.
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 19th November 2022 at 12:21 PM.

  13. The Following 1 Users Say Thank You to Andrey Form For This Useful Post:
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    deirosjuan (2nd July 2024)

    Andrey Form's Avatar
    I don't have time to visit all navigation forums and explain the contents of base SCDB export files.
    And even more so to ask the administration to give me the status of a moderator to control file uploads.
    It's enough that I do this on one forum GPSPower.

    The forum administration must decide for itself which files will be placed on its forum. In this case gpsurl.
    I sent (PM) a detailed and informative letter to the forum administration gpsurl

    Only the registered members can see the QUOTE Contents. Please Login OR Register.

    You write about errors in the database, but you do not allow the most important error of this database, this is the export of the database.
    BUT if you post files with errors, then it is not base SCDB that will answer for these files, but the forum where these files were taken.
    There are 3 good solutions:
    1 Don't post files with errors
    2 Post but report errors to the user
    3 Post files that do not contain errors

    Best Regards.
    Andrey Form
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 19th November 2022 at 12:49 PM.

  15. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Andrey Form For This Useful Post:
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    deirosjuan (2nd July 2024), tz5123 (5th December 2023)

    biggerdave's Avatar
    World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB
    Gentlemen (or should I say, girls?) FFS stop this bickering/arguing/sniping at each other! This is worse than cat-fights between girls in the school playground!

    Rather than edit/mod/delete others posts, if whichever one of you has a new database to share, just post it here and let the members decide whether they want to use it or not.

    PLEASE, all of you, just stop this bitching and keep sharing useful & useable info for others. I'm not going to take sides here as everyone has their personal opinions about what is good/bad to share but you all have the option to leave & move on to another forum if you don't like what's going on here!

    Please do not just post "thanks" but use the "thanks" button bottom/right or the reputation star "*" bottom/left
    S i m p l e s

  17. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to biggerdave For This Useful Post:
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    adamramzes (19th November 2022), deirosjuan (2nd July 2024)

    Andrey Form's Avatar
    I suggested the OSC base, but have not yet decided to create a separate topic for it, but there is a demand
    Link URL:
    Only the registered members can see the Link URLs. Please Login OR Register.

    On the first question, I think this is Robert's responsibility for the posted files and not a forum problem.

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    claudiusimota (26th March 2023)

    biggerdave's Avatar
    World/Europe Speedcams from SCDB
    Anyone is entitled to post/share what they believe will help others so it's entirely up to you if you want to post/share stuff here.

    Please do not just post "thanks" but use the "thanks" button bottom/right or the reputation star "*" bottom/left
    S i m p l e s

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    mbarek123 (31st August 2024)

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